2024 Materials
Click Here to View Video – ODOT TAP Explanation
Files 2024
- 2022-10-14 Loudonville Trail Concepts
- Loudonville Downtown Plan_Final
- Loudonville Downtown Streetscape – Cost Estimate_Sealed
- TAP Application Summary_.docx
- Tourism-Impact-of-Visitors-to-the-Mohican-Valley
- Village of Loudonville Potential Costs West Main Streetscape Map
- Mohican-Valley-Concept-Plan-Report-12-4-19
Link to LIVE Presentation on June 27, 2023
Loudonville Downtown Plan: Project Overview
About the project:
The Village of Loudonville and the Mohican Area Growth Foundation have initiated a process to create a downtown plan to identify priority projects and guide village staff and stakeholders.
Planning process
The goal of the plan is to develop a vision for the next evolution of downtown by identifying catalytic, priority projects that can be implemented over a period. The planning process provided an opportunity to engage with residents and stakeholders to better understand the desires and visions for the community.
The process took a five-phase approach that incorporated an analysis of existing conditions, best practice assessment, and community and stakeholder input at various points. The purpose of this process is to ensure a holistic approach. The product incorporates a wide lens view on recommended designs and programming for the priority projects, with further details to be developed. The plan lays out implementation strategies, provides high-level cost estimates, and provides recommendations on responsible parties.
Who is involved?
A taskforce committee composed of Loudonville community members, business owners, stakeholders, and officials were assembled to guide and inform the planning process. Members of the community were engaged at various stages for input.
What is next?
The recommendations of this study will be compiled into a report and used as a guide. The taskforce committee and Village officials may begin to prioritize priority projects and look for funding sources (i.e. state and local grants). Once projects are prioritized and funded, detailed designs would be created with further community and stakeholder input.