The purpose of the Architectural Review District is to recognize, preserve, and enhance the historic character of the downtown area of Loudonville, Ohio, by safeguarding the architectural integrity of historic structures. This district is also established to discourage new construction or alterations of existing buildings that are determined to be detrimental to, and incompatible with, the existing architecture, physical form and historic atmosphere of the downtown area of Loudonville. It is also recognized that beyond cultural benefits, the protection of historical resources in the Village will further the economic development of the area and will help maintain and improve area property values. The ARD District is an overlay zoning district that imposes development standards in addition to the standards contained in the underlying district.
(Ord. 75-96. Passed 11-18-96.)
Board members:
- Kenny Libben
- Wende Lance
- Tom Gallagher
- Nichole Cutlip
Loudonville Design Guidelines – Reference Manual_V2