[pdf-embedder url=”https://loudonville-oh.us/wp-content/uploads/Notice-of-Commencement-Sarver-Paving-May-2021.pdf” title=”Notice of Commencement – Sarver Paving – May 2021″]
Public Notice – The Village of Loudonville, Ohio is currently accepting Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) for professional design/consulting services per Ohio Revised Code 153.65 through 153.73. A General SOQ shall be submitted for the purpose of identifying the most qualified firms to provide professional design/consulting services for the calendar year 2022.
Firms interested in being considered for projects in Loudonville are encouraged to submit a General SOQ at the beginning of each calendar year. Each firm’s qualifications will be evaluated using the Ohio QBS Coalition manual, copies of which are available through the American Council of Engineering Companies (www.acecohio.org). Services required by the Village of Loudonville include but are not limited to: preliminary and detail design of public utilities, roadways, bridges, structural, traffic control and analysis, bike trails, storm water, hydrologic and hydraulic river studies, shop drawing review, independent review of construction drawings and specifications, construction inspection, right-of-way plan development, right-of-way acquisition, environmental engineering services, architecture and landscape design.
Submit two copies of the SOQ to: Mr. Curtis Young, Village Administrator, Village of Loudonville, OH 156 North Water Street Loudonville, OH 44842
SOQs are due no later than January 21, 2022.